
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

14 months ago...

So last night I started watching NICU videos, most of them I have never seen. That time was such a blur and it has taken me a long time to even be able to go back and reflect on the long journey we spent there. I came across this video from Thanksgiving last year and it just amazed me that the two babies in this video are the same one-year-olds running around my house right now. Many people didn't see the kids in the NICU so this video is a glimpse at life about a month and a half after they were born. By this time they had doubled their weights since birth, weaned off the ventilators and lost their iv's. So even though they look so tiny and fragile this is nothing compared to where they started. Amazing, amazing, amazing...

1 comment:

The Ander's Family said...

WOW! Parker and McKenna look so big in the video!! Oh, and I hope Parker knows the Lions didn't win a SINGLE game this season!!

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