AND, on to why I couldn't blog yesterday...
Right about bedtime McKenna started saying "lay on the floor, lay on the floor" which apparently meant "put me on the floor because if you put me in my crib I am going to throw a screaming fit and no one will sleep." To make a long story short, bedtime went downhill from there, one by one all of the little ones ended up in our bed and the only people trying to sleep were Mark and I. I think everyone was asleep at the same time at about 4 am and then half the house woke up to Sawyer screaming at 5:45 and then the other half to Ashlyn yelling for her gray sweatpants at 6. So technically, since we never slept, yesterday was one big long day that still has not ended and I'm posting my picture of the day just in time!
Not that I would suggest you cheat, but you could always change your post date. You know, since you TOOK the picture on February 3. Right? :)
Ohhhh soooo cute!!!!!!! Sorry you are lacking sleep, I am sure everyone will crash tonight!!! I hope :) xoxoxo
Lol, I thought about doctoring the date, I'm sure as the month goes on I will have done it a few times :)
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